

In a world where animal rights and freedom have become urgent global issues demanding collective action, Rothschild Fine Art has emerged as a formidable artistic movement committed to saving these sentient creatures. Through our creative expressions, we inspire experts and audiences alike, challenging them to rethink their perception of interconnected living beings and advocating for their inalienable rights to exist and thrive. Our passion for animal advocacy is a driving force that shapes and influences the way we view the world, and we will stop at nothing to ensure that these precious creatures are protected and cherished.


Creativity: The Pathway to Freedom

At Rothschild Fine Art, we believe that the essence of freedom is inextricably woven into the fabric of creativity. As an international ensemble of artists, we harness the power of our artistic expressions to amplify the voices of the voiceless—be they human, animal, disabled, or able-bodied individuals.

Our mission transcends the bounds of traditional artistry; we envision ourselves as key catalysts in the animal rights movement. We advocate fervently for the fundamental rights of all sentient beings—to exist with dignity, untouched by exploitation and abuse. In lieu of prioritizing gallery profits, our allegiance lies with sanctuaries that uphold the highest standards of animal rights. We pledge to direct 50% of all our sales towards the Animal Freedom Organization, thereby ensuring that our artistic endeavors yield tangible benefits in the battle for animal liberation.

Our artist collective is bound by a mutual commitment to ethical veganism. We urge all individuals to reflect on the ripple effects of their choices on our shared world. We acknowledge that each life holds intrinsic value, and affirm that true freedom can only be realized when we respect and uphold the rights of all living beings.

We find ourselves at a pivotal moment in history, facing the stark reality of rampant animal suffering—a global crisis that cannot be ignored. We stand resolute in our determination to be part of the solution. We believe that our art, combined with the power of the digital world, can serve as an engine of change, fostering a more empathetic and kinder world.

As the magnitude of animal abuse and exploitation is unveiled, an increasing number of people are stirred into action. We hold firm in our conviction that through collective action and unwavering commitment to justice, we can steer the course towards a better future for all. Animals may be silenced, but through our creativity and passion, their voices will resonate. At LR Rothschild Fine Art, we are more than artists; we are advocates and defenders, using our craft to protect and uphold animal rights.

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Life has intrinsic value

Every day, billions of animals are experiencing unbearable cruelty. We are creating a solution to help confront the challenges in animal protection and global health that our world is facing. We believe animals should be treated with respect and deserve equal life.

Become a supporter

Together with artists and animal lovers around the world, we continue to protect animals worldwide, and we are renowned for welcoming all communities to participate and donate in critically engaged art and human culture that encourages curiosity and transformation. This is the reason why we sell and donate art in order to support animal sanctuaries. By buying art, you support our projects.

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